About me

I am a second-year PhD student at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) advised by Prof. Kai-Wei Chang. My current research interests lie in retrieval-augmented language models and text generation evaluation. On the application side, I have worked on keyphrase generation extensively.

I did my undergraduate studies at UCLA, where I researched on image translation and registration for virtual histology under the supervision of Prof. Aydogan Ozcan and Dr. Jingxi Li.


Show More News
  • [2023/07] Started my applied scientist internship at AWS.
  • [2023/03] Introducing KPEval, a new framework for evaluating keyphrase systems.
  • [2022/10] Low resource kpgen has been accepted by EMNLP 2022 (Findings).
  • [2022/09] Started working as a PhD student in the UCLA NLP Group.